Wednesday 21 May 2014


"We're going to Gympie!"
- Big Brad

"Where the fuck is Gympie?"
- Kevin Le

Completed my first, legitimate 12 hour day today! feel quite proud, didn't even have that many drops but the fact that so many of them were out of the way, it wasn't a bad effort. Spent the entire day with Big Brad doing the coast run and didn't get back to the warehouse til 7pm and didn't get home til 8 but when I got home, man, there was a sight to behold.

Dante and Izzy broke up a few days ago, hence Dante's little fit of depression, I didn't want to mention anything on here since word gets around faster than I can say "Bob's your uncle" but when I got home, I saw Izzy's car parked at my spot and I automatically knew what was going on. Got in the house and sure enough, they were back together. It doesn't seem bad to type it now, knowing that they're together again, not that I even care but it's always nice to look at a post with a good amount written in it, even though most of it holds no relevance to me or you but look! lots and lots of words! words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

Found out that I might be the only one catching up with Tia but knowing Dante, it might not even happen. I can't blame him for bailing and leaving the rest to me, suddenly getting back with Izzy has left him limited yet again which to me, isn't good for the faint sense of freedom that is ever so apparent when not in a relationship but hey, that's just me. People like Dante need to remain in a relationship, there seems to be a aura of security when you're in one of those. Men, in particular, find purpose in being relied on, and even though that's a very sexist way of seeing things, sadly, it's true. I don't know anyone that despises relationships more than I but I pounce at the opportunity to do something for someone else just because I can. Strange how that works.

Side - Easy D

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