Monday 16 June 2014


"It feels amazing to finally have your hard work and efforts realized whilst staying true to yourself."
- Hoc Vu.

Tried to hit up Cindy Nguyen this morning. I'm not sure why but I had the sudden urge to see her, in a totally non-romantic way, as unconvincing as that sounded. She was one of those people I didn't speak to at all in high school, maybe it was the lack of classes we had together or that I respected Leon too much to even make an effort of getting to know, which is retarded but not surprising. I was a reckless but cautious kid in those days. I probably thought that getting to know her better would cause some sort of drama that I just don't want so I didn't bother, it was the same with anyone who had a partner. That mentality made the girls I spoke to in high school very limited and there was only me to blame for that. Who wants to purposely be involved in something that troublesome anyway? but hey, it paid off in the end, there were a few close calls but I graduated while keeping my head down and left that place in good conscious, which is more than I can say for others :L 

I hit Cindy up with a text and got a reply saying she left for Melbourne a few hours earlier, it's a good thing I did, too, it would've been awkward as if I rocked up to an empty house with strawberry frappes and cookies demanding a person who isn't there to let me in, today I learnt that a text is imperative if impromptu bumming commences. I told her my intentions and surprisingly got a positive response but that still left me with the same situation I was in when I woke up.

I always seem to forget how many people love around me. As I went through the list in my head, Hoc stood out since I haven't seen him since he and I were training together at Anytime Fitness so I bought some white chocolate mochas and made my way to Catiger Street. I walked in and there stood Hoc in all his dopey glory. He was dressed in a button up shirt, long, vintage pants and a beret and top it off, he looked as if he was ready for a semi-casual event but when I asked him what was he so pampered up for, "this is how I always dress now" was all I got.

Guess I just kinda spent the day doing nothing with Hoc. By "nothing" I don't actually mean sitting there and just doing nothing, I mean doing everyday things like we did today, things like eat at a restaurant while talking about our common interests, picking up Augustian from Corinda High, watching snippets of anime and sharing music, things you'd do by yourself but there's a kind of positivity about it when you do what it takes one person with two, kinda like picking up a 5kg box with two people holding both sides (I've done that many times at work) I drove Hoc home and I probably won't see him again for a long time since he's going to be starting his new job soon. I'm glad I took the chance when I did, even though I only presented myself with the chance this morning.

Wonder which poor soul is going to have the displeasure of my presence next week? hehehehehe.

Champions - Astronaut & Harry Brooks JNR

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