Thursday 12 June 2014


"This washing machine comes with a free white guy. He eats nothing but white bread and drinks nothing but white paint, be sure to clean him once every 4 months and make sure you feed him a lot of swag before he goes nap nap."
- Kevin Le. When I work with people, I like to offer the customers my work partner for the day just to see how they react.

Today must've been like, the fifth time I've tried to give God away to a customer :L I'm starting to think this joke is never going to get old. Spent the day with Troy and talking shit. A lot of shit. So much shit that I can't even remember what the shit comprised of but it was a good day as far as I was concerned. We talked about Troy's life and his plans since he seems to have a lot of them. I remember talking about his high school days with Beau and a little bit about his relationship with his brother, Stevie but when it came to me, I honestly had nothing good to tell him. "I wake up, come here, go home, have a wank, go to bed and then it repeats." was all I could think of but saying that would just be depressing after all the shit he was talking about so I just ignored his question LOL I keep thinking God and Bro (Troy and Beau) are older than me, well they are but not significantly. They're my age but it feels like they're in their 30's. Maybe it's because they seem more mature but then again, my standards for maturity are a little off. I couldn't even talk to him about my love life since I've never had one and that's like, one of the first things people talk about when they get to know each other, it's that or I've been getting to know the wrong people.

Looks like Dante and his girlfriend's family feud cleared up a bit. He doesn't stay over any more, it's weird to transition from having a brother and then suddenly not having a brother a few times a year. I was so used to bumming in each other's rooms and going to maccas at 3am whilst never maintaining a decent conversation. Dante left so now I'm stuck with that random room mate Mumsies threw on me, guess there was no criteria to seem if a person is worthy of staying in this house. I forget he's even there most of the time, it feels like living with a robber that won't fuck off and pays rent. I'm not complaining, Mumsies' always made the right call, should've listened to her from the get-go instead of being such a difficult child. I hope what I'm doing will make up for all the troubles her life has put her through.

Reverse (Steve James Remix) - SomeKindaWonderful

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