Saturday 14 June 2014


""Fap jar"? why didn't you call it a "wank bank"?"
- Beau Ensor. Oh my fucking god, why didn't I think of that?

The wank bank. I've let a wonderful chance pass me by. I'm going to think about this every time the fap jar miraculously finds it's way into conversation and it's going to make me depressed, goddamn it. I'm getting tired of my own blog as of late, it's not the fact that I write it down every-so-often but rather, the content of it. No one wants to know about what I did at work, not even I want to know what I did at work so writing it down is not only going to be pointless but boring as well and this blog is boring enough as it is so I'm gonna refrain from going into detail about what I did at work and focus more on other things. It's just a shame that there aren't many "other" things that I actually do throughout the day.

It's actually becoming a little too routine, you know, other than work, everything else is pretty much the same. I wish I could do more, man. Even though I wish for that, there really isn't much else I can do and at the same time, there isn't much else I'd rather be doing, I just wish there was a way I could do more. Gym is a type of therapy for me and there's not much else more comforting than visiting your parents house and talking over dinner. By the time that's all finished, it's time for a shower then time for bed and the routine repeats. It's hard to find the time to blog, look for music, seeing what's the haps with the peeps on Facebook and watch a movie or something so I'm really behind on my blog. It's like, the 26th and I'm recalling thing's that happened on the 14th. It's not so bad though, I remember getting a lift in Stevie's 2013 Club Spec Subaru WRX and hearing it make mad choo choo noises right after I spend the afternoon with Troy/God for our local run. I remember talking to my boss and Tony about people who have come and gone and what those people got up to and the type of shit they did in their time in Steve's care. I also remember how sad I felt when I saw Bob come back after so long, with a incomplete look on his face because his shoulder can't be fixed but all those things are work-related and it's something I want to give a break for awhile but at this rate, I don't think I can. Work is the only place where something actually happens, everything else seems to be a stalling process until work starts up again. It's pretty sad when you think about it like that.

 Neon - Itro & Cediv

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