Friday 6 June 2014

The sun is back.

"This might be, the best day in my entire life."
- Kevin Le, whilst eating KFC after a long day.

"Me too."
- Yoshi

Yoshi isn't going to be staying for much longer. Apparently, he landed a job to help build an airport somewhere nearby, $35 an hour. I'm happy for him, I truly am and I'm sure everyone else is too but man did it leave a sour taste in my mouth all day. It was a stupidly busy day, delivered 3 truckloads of Harvey Norman stuff, you'd think that the end of the financial year, people would ease up a little but nope, if anything, they splurged the fuck out of their expenses, honestly, who the fuck spends $4400 on a TV? I'll never understand these people but then again, that's the joy of this job. You wonder why they do the things they do but it doesn't matter because you're only there for about 3 minutes and the chances are, you'll never see them again in your entire life and to me, that's beautiful.

I milked what I could from my last day with Yoshi, we never spoke about the fact that it was one of his last days working with us, we just kinda went along as we usually would. The day felt long and normally, that's something I would find a bother but it wasn't too bad when I knew that I would never get the pleasure of working with this extremely blunt individual, I kinda wished the day was longer. Our last drop was to a house in the middle of a small crater/valley that required the use of a subtle forest path to get to, a house in the middle of no where with the luxurious necessities, like a workshop, shed, livestock and what have you, which then followed a trip to KFC where we indulged in our humanly desires. It wasn't the quality of the food we had but doing what we just did, it honestly felt like an angel came down and threw faeces at all of our problems, it didn't fix them but they sure were a lot easier to face. I said my goodbyes and went on my way. I never know what to say in situations like that, and they seem to be happening more and more often. It's almost like I run away from having to give closure due to my unmature, childlike impulse of not wanting to give in to change to easily but I suppose we all have to grow up one of these days.

I got home, wept a little and made my way to the gym where I proceeded to make some immense gains, there's a little rant I would like to impose on you about all that but I think I'll save it for a later date. This post seems to be focused on losing a workmate anyhow.

The Sun Is Back - Simonsays

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