Sunday 15 June 2014

Here tonight.

"So why did you stop playing the piano?"
- Crazy neighbour lady. I honestly could not give her crazy ass an answer.

I woke up to the cold air as it blew up my non-existing pants through the window I left open the night before. It acts as some sort of alarm, or at least, that's what I like to think it does. It was a quiet morning, man. No one was home, sunlight peered through the branches and shone on Betty. It was one of those moments that encouraged you to do something, in my case, it was to go get some coffee and then I went for a little drive to god knows where and somehow, I ended up at the markets. I didn't expect to see so many people gathered in one place, it was kinda on a whim so I bummed there for as long as I could which wasn't long since I was in nothing but some shorts, a singlet and thongs and the cold wing felt like it was out for my life. I didn't even brush my teeth until I got back home, pretty disgusting but then again, many things are when it comes to me, many things are when it comes to anyone, I just think I'm the only one I know that embraces it and then don't care about it.

I could tell it was going to be an uneventful day from the moment I woke up and it sucks but there really isn't anything I can do other than the usual. You know, like cleaning, lifting, blogging, but when I do all those things and there're still hours on the clock, I feel like I've wasted a precious, precious thing and it doesn't sit well but it's not like I can rock up to the warehouse and ask to work when there's no one there. So, I'm left with an empty, cold house. I don't think I've ever had this problem before. I guess I can always go back to love doing nothing, it's not hard, I'm just worried that when I do, I won't love productivity as much as I do now, if that made any sense :L
I sat on the piano bench and just spend a good 10 minutes looking at all the scribbles I got people to do on it. I love recalling when and how each scribble came about, gives me something to look at and smile about when I do play random tunes but my neighbour came up to me and asked me why it wasn't as good as it was a few years ago and when I told her I haven't been playing, she asked me why and now I'm starting to wonder that a little myself. Maybe I'll spend more of my free time learning all the bits I missed out about piano during high school, who knows, it might just give me the chance to catch up with Ronnie, John or even Liam.

Here Tonight (Club Mix) - Dash Berlin & Collin Mcloughlin 

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