Sunday 1 June 2014

Gold skies.

"Fuck, you got skinny, you fat fuck."
- Oscar Tu, a dash of yin and a dash of yang I suppose.

Woke up early, like, real early, must've called it a night at like, 9 or 10 yesterday, it wasn't until I saw Hoa and Vinh walk towards my house that I remembered why I slept early and what was going to happen today. I put on the shirt with the team emblem and put on what I later found out was actually a headband instead of an armband and got ready to head out, at least, that's what would've happened if Leon didn't sleep his ass in. So, after I rushed to Leon's house to wake his ass up, we headed out to Springfield where the run was being held.

I swear, 90% of the people there are illiterate, they can't seem to acknowledge the signs everywhere saying "walkers to the left, runners to the right" because if I had a dollar for every time I stopped due to a walking wall of dumbasses, the run would've been free and I could've afforded a happy meal to boot. Yeah, I ran it, not sure why, I think it's just one of those things that would just be better if you ran it instead of leisurely taking your time. I didn't time myself but I know I did it in 7 songs which was about 29 minutes, would've done a lot better too if people could actually, you know, read but hey, such is life I suppose. Bumped into Hong who I didn't even know was there and danced until everyone else caught up and when they did, I danced some more until eventually, hunger got the best of me as we all headed out. 

Drove Hong home and then ate steak at Coffee Square with the guys. It's been a while since I was last with the group like that and just as I thought, I didn't like it as much as I used to, our interests are too different and  I can barely hold a conversation with any of them when they're together. It's to be expected though, isn't it ? that's just what happens when you've been with them for too long or not long enough. They're dope as individuals though, well, to me they are. When Kiet asked me if I wanted "2dn" written on the back of my shirt, in all honesty, I didn't want it but it would look strange if a group walked up and one of them was the odd one out so to avoid any confrontations and questions, I was like like "yeah, whatever." it's just not worth the trouble.

I got home, took Leon and Kiet home and then saw Oscar off because he left his car at my house and then took a long shower and as the blue washed from my hair and down the drain, I thought about it a lot, you know, who 2dn are to me and if it was worth relying on them if I needed it, I wondered if it was just better for me to do my thing and them their's but then I fell asleep and now that my head is a little more clear, it doesn't matter, man. Thinking, for me, is over-thinking and it's much more better for me if I just wing it, thinking is unbecoming of me.

Gold Skies - Sander Van Doorn, Martin Garrix, DVBBS & Alessia

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