Monday 30 June 2014


"Alright, I'm off to work."
- Dante Le.

You know what I realized today ? I have no fucking idea where Dante works. All I know is he works for Woolworths but I wouldn't have a clue as to what he actually does. I assume it's something to do with labour but I don't know where he goes, where he's stationed, I'm not even sure if he actually goes to work at all. It's a strange thing to realize now since he's been at it long before I started working. He leaves the house on my days off and it kinda feels like I'm his wife or something, only instead of "bye dear." it's more like "Hey Dante, where are you going?" "fuck up, cunt." "what are your plans today, Dante? ahahaha that rhymes." "I'm off, laters!" that's pretty much how our Sunday and Monday mornings go and sometimes, it can be the best part of my working week. I don't know why but I live off from other's negative auras.

It's not that I think I'm better than them but I think it's my little way of reminding them that it doesn't have to be like this, you know. Everyone is open to do what they want to do and they can put themselves in a position where they will never do something they don't want to do. I think they'll eventually get sick of my shit and just change things so that I won't have the chance to shove anything in their face but that's not something I'm consciously aware of at the time, I do it because it's funny and because I'm a sadistic, grinning piece of shit and that's okay. It's better than okay.

I hit up Leon again but didn't get an answer, seems like his phone is buggered. I didn't crash anyone's house yesterday so my weekly routine of bumming with an unfamiliar face was about to see it's end, but luckily for me, Jeremy had popped by to see what was happening. We didn't do much, he talked about what he has been up to and I kinda just sat there, half-listening to what he was saying with no particular input of my own. That's the downside of "catching up" with people. I don't actually have anything to say. The day is actually spent just being around a person you're not usually with and it's got a beautiful twang when the concept is put that way. Maybe it's just different with different people.

Maybe - Flvor

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