Tuesday 24 June 2014

I wanna be down.

"Or.... we could just get Kevin to do it."
- God/Troy Reynolds. Talking about who should be in the car to clutch-start the blue turd.

I got to be Stevie's partner again :L poor bastard, that's 3 times in a row but it doesn't seem like he minds. We got a little tradition of sorts happening since we're often paired up together. We'd get pizzas and mcfloats whenever we have the chance. I would sing and he would tell me to shut up whilst playing some music you would never think he would listen to, stuff like old school rap and old school rnb. I'd make noises and he'd make funny, racist remarks and cleverly incorporate how physically challenged I am in every sentence he utters from his mouth and I would love every single one of them. Work is pretty fun when you look past all the bullshit people throw on you, it's not so bad when there's someone else to share the load, never had a job like this before so knowing that there are people out there that are even remotely similar to these people makes me a wee bit giddy.

Today was the first time I saw Troy ever since he's girlfriend got into a car accident in his car. Apparently, Troy took a week off to help his missus recover, he seemed in good spirits and you couldn't even tell that something traumatic just happened to the dude but I suppose there's nothing you can do in that sort of situation. No anger, frustration or worrying will make it better, I like to think he realized this and just did the logical thing, whether he did or not is something I don't think I would like to know.

Hopped in the blue turd and learnt how to clutch-start a car! I never knew something like that even existed. Sounds like something you'd resort to if you had plans to steal a car sometime in your life but I digress. "When I say "GO!" slam your foot on the clutch, then on the accelerator and back on the clutch again, Stevie and I will push." and that's how you clutch start, might be useful if you ever find yourself in your car with a flat battery. Oh, be sure to leave it on accessories and put it into gear 2 if you're pushing forwards and Reverse if you're pushing backwards; the more you know. And if you own an Auto, you're fucked. Much love, Kevin Le.

I Wanna Be Down (LeMarquis Remix) - Brandy

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