Wednesday 11 June 2014


"Do you guys have any drugs? I really need them."
- A loony customer who has been through some shit I honestly cannot care about.

Got paired up with Beau, which is something that doesn't happen enough. I love that guy, I still keep a visitor's card we got from delivering a fridge to Brigidine College in wallet, which is kinda creepy but it's like a memento of the rare occasion that I get to go on runs with the Gatton boys and I know they won't stay much longer, they've been here years before I started so I think it's this child-like response that makes me feel like I should remember the people who taught me all I know and what better way to do that than to keep physical memories everywhere you go? It doesn't always work like that, sometimes keeping those things when shit has changed isn't as great as I made it out to be but now I'm just being really, really vague so I'll just end this paragraph here.

Today was weird, man. I got Beau to sing with me which is something you would never expect from him if you had ever had the pleasure of being in his blunt, straight-forward presence. I couldn't hear him though, I was too busy singing La La La with my earphones in but I looked to my right and I saw his lips move to the words I was singing. It felt like I accomplished something in life. I always sing in the truck, regardless if I'm driving or not and I know it's not something everyone wants to hear but it's just one of those things I think would brighten the mood a little more if I did and hey, music is my thing and singing comes with the territory.
Our last drop was a little fucked up though. It was to a lady's house in Chelmer. She tried to drag us in her personal problems and told us she was kicked out of the house, waiting for test results to see if she's even mentally stable, waiting for a case to be solved regarding her being raped and struggling to keep custody of her kids. Beau; being the kind hearted man he is, wanted to help her out but the moment we realized she was a loony, we gapped it so hard. Beau had started the engine and I sprinted down the stairs and into the truck without so much as a "goodbye" We fucked off so fast, you'd think we killed someone. Another wonderful little experience this job brings. I like it, it's so different and exciting. The world always comes up with neat little ways of exposing you to things not everyone gets exposed to when you work for Steve.

It's a nice change of pace being with different people. I just hope that when my mentors leave, it won't be any time soon, as selfish as that sounds.

Paris - Ashton Love

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