Wednesday 18 June 2014


"Why don't you go hook up with Vanessa?"
- Tony

- Kevin Le

For some strange reason, Tony has it in his mind that Nataliee is Vanessa and has been calling her that for as long as he's known her, it was only today that I bothered to ask "Who the fuck is Vanessa?" and found out that Tony is a retard. Tony must go to Zaraffa's a lot to get to know and make conversation with the workers there. How I became apart of one of their conversations is something I'll never know.

Oh man, I went over to Mumsies' house today and bummed on Andy's youtube page and holy damn, I could not be any more proud of his taste in music. He's getting into trance and general EDM, there was quite a bit of Dumbfoundead/PARKER in his favourites, he's subscribed to all these channels that update frequently and I even heard he's been influencing his classmates with said taste of music. Just the other day, when I asked him if he's heard a song, he told me he already had and was listening to it on his headphones, fucking made me shed a tear. I know music isn't as big to him as it is to me but maybe one day it will be and when that time comes, I'm ready to fucking flood that bastard with all the songs I've collected thus far and it's gonna be mad. 

Yeah, music is a massive thing to me, I'm amazed it's not a massive thing to everyone. I think it all started with the piano, the idea of realizing that any song that's ever existed in the world can be played on the piano fascinated me. Any song I've ever wanted to play, I learnt and played until my fingers couldn't move. Classical moved on to instrumental, instrumental moved on to lyrical, lyrical moved onto hip hop and hip hop somehow found it's way into EDM and it's been jumping back and forth between those genres for as long as I remember. I lose motivation when I don't have music, I can't do my chores, stay awake or even gym without some sort of tune blasting in my ear so it's super duper important that I have an updated library at all times or else, imma slap a bitch. Pew pew pew pew, nigga.

 Words (Jacoo Remix) - Anna Graceman

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