Friday 13 June 2014


"Racism is still alive and strong I see."
- Pete.

It must come as a surprise when a 20 year old asian kid and a 50 year old white dude knock on your door and claim that they're from a lounge company and are there to deliver, unwrap and set up the lounge set you bought months prior, well, I imagine it would be. The amount of looks we get when we step out of the truck is unbelievable, it's almost hilarious but there are times when those looks are just the start to something bad. There was this one drop we had to do that just retarded. I stepped out to see the dude and instantly, there was an undeniable glare of prejudice and despise, he would try and start shit and makes this unnecessarily difficult for us. His yard wasn't finished so there was dirt everywhere and he got mad when he found the smallest speck of dirt on his tiles. Pete was having none of that guy's shit, man. Shit would've gotten real had I not told Pete to get in the truck and let me handle this piece of rotting flesh but all in a day's work I suppose. It's hard to get offended when you know that the chances of ever seeing these people again are as small as growing a third nipple then you're all good but not everyone thinks that far ahead. Too much shit gets thrown about too easily.

Tried to recruit Le Monde and Tai to my little work family, didn't work out as I planned but shit, nothing does :L That's probably the reason why I don't plan. I realized how far I've strayed from everyone today. While I was talking to Tai over the phone, a list went through my head of who could potentially work with me but no one was in my mind in particular and it struck me as strange that I'm pretty much the only one who doesn't study and even stranger that I thought Tai would even consider. I hated myself for even thinking about talking Tai into a full-time job where he could neglect a good amount of his studies so he could quench my yearning for nostalgia at a place where I spend a lot of my day. It struck me as even odder when I realized I could bum at his house whenever I wanted. I'm glad things turned out the way they did though, nothing has changed and everything is the same as it was yesterday. I could sit here for hours and still think of no one who would be keen to do what I do but I guess that's only natural. There's a certain amount of respect I give to those people, people who've actually found a passion and are pursuing it, and I think it's this level of respect that makes me want to avoid them, not because I could do better without their company but because I think leaving them to their own pursuit of happiness is the best thing for me and for them at any given moment.

Questions (Jack LNDN Remix) - Chordashian & Francis Rose

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