Thursday 19 June 2014


"Kev baby.... sorry, mate. That's all I got. I'm so fucking tired right now."
- Tony.

People try to make work as fun as it can possibly be and to a certain extent, that shit works, it works really well but when people have been putting long hours and have plans and shit to do when they finish, the tension rises as the night goes on. The string gets thinner and thinner until eventually, all it takes is a red traffic light to set you off. I'm not talking about me by the way, I've yet to be pushed to that limit but when it comes to pretty much everyone else, it becomes a heavy environment to be in. Everyone has been clocking in over 10 hours a person and to a person who has a family and lives, it can build up and eventually burn you out. I'm just fortunate enough that once I finish work for the day, I pretty much bum around until I can work again but shit hits the fan real quick when no one is looking. It's almost painful to rock up in the morning greeted by smiles and jokes and then come back as soon as the run is finished to a bunch of moans, groans, frowns and eagerness to get the fuck out of there.

kicked it with Big Brad who was glad to have me on board. Apparently, he's been getting paired up with all the new guys and they're hopeless, or maybe they're all really good, I'm just better hehehe. Didn't think people would voluntarily pick me, what with all my out-of-tune singing and off-beat dancing in the most inappropriate places but hey, just goes to show how incompetent people can be.

Got home, showered, bummed with the fambam and then got home where I proceeded to look for music. Never realised this before but man, I got a long way to go to properly update my library.

 Gravity - Kevin Wild, Punk Party & Kelly Sweet

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