Sunday 29 June 2014

Easy fraction.

- Dante Le

It was meant to be a first, the first time Dante, Andy and myself would go to the markets together. It's very rare that Dante and I would have a day off on the same day and even more so rare that Andy would agree to get up and go somewhere early in the morning. Everyone was pretty keen, well, I was but you know how plans go :L they don't. We slept in and even though there was still time to get to the markets, it was inevitably decided that we wouldn't go to Rocklea but instead, help ourselves to Maccas breakfast and just bum about in Andy's room until we felt our day was productive enough. I know I shouldn't be surprised but man, I sure was surprised. Plans seem to come out of no where and just make you believe that what they say is what's going to happen and without so much as a recap, everything has been decided, funny that. It wasn't so bad, saw a nice EP9 in the Maccas car park, which I assume belongs to Tai, also spent a little time with the brothers which is something I wouldn't miss for the world.

I need to learn how to appreciate the time we spend together. Our age gaps are pretty wide so there aren't many things that all three of us have in common, in fact, I'm pretty sure the only thing all of us love is food. I'm pretty sure that was the main reason of us planning to go to the markets in the first place but other than that, our interests sit far, far away from each other. Brothers shouldn't be so oblivious to one another like we are but I think that if we got any closer, there will be clashes and those clashes would lengthen the gap we've set for each other. I think I'm just over-thinking this whole "brotherly-relationship" thingy, at least, I hope I am.

Easy Fraction (OFFF Remix) - Breakbot

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