Monday 9 June 2014

Shadow of the sun.

"Umm, yes?"
- Kevin Le, when offered sushi. Fuck, that should be the response of anyone who has been offered sushi.

I think I'm going to start bumming at someone's house when I get the chance, something about randomly crashing MyVy's got me thinking that I should really try and keep tabs on people I actually like and thus, this little routine I created for myself has emerged. I can already see that this is going to piss people off eventually
and it's totally going to suck and people will hate me and I totally deserve it but for now; WEEEEEEEEEEE.

Just when I was wondering who to bother this week, Tai hit me up saying if I wasn't busy, I could spend the Queen's Birthday morning with him and play a few matches of Street Fighter 4 with him. I don't think he could time that any better than he did. I locked myself out of the house, waited for Bobby to come over so I could get my keys, headed to Zaraffa's and bought some coffee as a crashing gift and then made my way to the Pham's where we clung on to a few conversations as we ploughed through 50 matches of the one game I like.

Even though I was at Tai's house today, I have no idea what we talked about, I'm not even sure if we even caught up, the last time I saw him was at Hong's birthday party and that was a long motherfucking time ago. You know, at this point, I'm not even sure he was even there, or if I even went to his house but I do know one thing; sushi is the best. Oh, and today was a good day. Thank you, Tai for letting me spend the Queens Birthday doing nothing with you, it was awesome.

Can't say I did much else. I think that once I know I've done at least one thing, the rest of the day is like, optional. And I think I've chosen to do nothing because I actually went somewhere today. I can't be too greedy and constantly want to go places all the time, well, I can but then I'd hate myself and that would be bad.

Shadow Of The Sun (Mako Remix) - Max Elto

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