Saturday 28 June 2014


"This is going to be the busiest day we've ever had. I hope you're up for it."
- Steve

Not quite sure why but today was the most busiest day the company had ever seen. We did 143 deliveries today, the previous record being 104 so it's pretty fair to say that we pooped all over the last record holders. It was very strange to come home late on a Saturday though. I'm so used to going home at around 2pm that I guess I just kinda expected to be home by then. Naturally, I was a little grumpy the it was 7pm by the time I showered but that's a little asshole-ish of me. Everyone was a little shitty when they got back from their runs and it doesn't help if I felt shitty with them. It's easy to get over things when you think about them in a different light. It's a shame that I'll never see Saturdays the same way again. As much as I do enjoy coming home early, staying late isn't so bad either. It's not like I get much done when I'm at home anyway.

My earphones are starting to die. It's not a big deal but I barely have the time to gym let alone go shopping for earphones every-so-often. One side has died and the other side requires some positioning for adequate effect.

I break a lot of shit. Everytime something that is meant for use gets given to me, I snap the fucker in no time at all. It's probably why I still keep the phone I have, that subconscious fear of breaking something of value because it wouldn't be the first time it happened, granted, I don't break so much as I lose them which isn't as bad but it shows how careless I can get. I'm thankful to Tai for giving me this phone, it's probably the longest time I've had a phone in my possession that hasn't ended up in the hands of another. I get hassled a lot to get a new phone but I don't want to start using something I could lose and feel awful about. It's gotten to the point where I can't even bother to explain myself because I'm tired of saying the same shit over and over again to different people. I would still feel terrible if something were to happen to the phone I have now, there's a lot of sentimental value lurking about in this little, white, flip-slide-touch phone, that, and it's a fucking flip phone, I mean, how many of those do you see nowadays? fucking none and that's one of the main reason I'm not giving up on this thing that has been with me through thick and thin. It's a beautiful relationship we have, really.

Pacific (Les Loups Remix) - Glen Check

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