Friday 20 June 2014

Eyes, nose, lips.

"What the fuck..."
- Kevin Le. When I hopped in a mate's car to move it.

Rocked up earlier than usual, unloaded a truck filled to the brim with lounges, honestly, you couldn't even fit a single Asian in there the way they pack the damn thing. And the Boss asked me to take the little blue car out of the warehouse so they have room to operate the forklift. I always pounce at the chance to drive a different car and in this case, it was an old Swift but when I hopped in, man, I swear, the world was doing everything it could to prevent me from steering the fuck. I have no idea how the Gatton boys drive this blue turd every single fucking day. It wasn't until they told me it didn't have any power steering that I decided trying new cars probably isn't for me. I'm never used to putting the force of a million earths to move a car, fuck that and everything about that little blue car.

I think I'm going to try a little harder, not just at work, just in general. It would make it a lot easier for many others. I don't like seeing tired people, you know, people who have just done way more than they're meant to do. It's good that they're being so productive but you really got to pace yourself. It's even worse when people change instantaneously because they're so tired. Getting different reactions from the same people can be scary.

Hahahaha, my singing has become contagious, work just got a little more interesting.

Eyes, Nose, Lips - Tablo Taeyang

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