Thursday 5 June 2014

Money on my mind.

- Yoshi :L oh man, I love that guy.

After this whole bodybuilding phase had ended, I might get into freerunning and parkour, I've always wanted to make a dramatic entrance everywhere I go, well, a more dramatic entrance everywhere I go. The thought to of just doing flips everywhere or climbing up things without the aid of a forklift makes the thing "that's coo'" and whenever I get that thought, it makes me want to make that thought into reality, that's one of the reasons that got me into fitness in the first place :L

Another early morning start which meant another container and that meant a lot of sweat and tears but there's a joy to be found when everyone is tuckered out by the time we're finished, it's like a group effort and it feels good to know you've kept your end of the bargin the same way they kept their's, they probably don't think anything like that but I like to think they do. We're kinda like a family but we're not as close as one should be. Yoshi dragged me away to do an Ipswich run which went very, very smoothly. I don't think there was one mishap the whole day and that's kind of rare. Usually, there'd be one thing that keeps us from keeping up with the schedule or a customer that's had a bad day and decides that the next best thing is to take it out on the delivery boys but not a single stupid question or unreasonable request today, which is amazing because Yoshi gets real shitty when the slightest inconvenient thing happens.

It's good that there are smooth days like today but I'm a little torn since smooth days means going home at like 3pm, which sounds good but I have no idea what to do when I get home. Gymming would take up 2 or so hours which leaves 4-6 hours of free time, going to sleep would be a bad idea because it would completely fuck up my sleeping pattern and staying at home would just be boring, and being bored would make me lay on my bed, which in turn, would make me go to sleep so that's a no no so, I borrowed a gameboy SP off Andy and spent the day playing bootleg versions of pokemon we bought in Vietnam many years ago. I started off with a Swampert and made everyone my bitch, it was awesome.

Money On My Mind - Sam Smith

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