Monday 23 June 2014


"You know your shit smells when you can actually smell it."
- Dante Le.

Woke up feeling pretty good. There isn't much to do on a week day day off. There actually might be quite a bit but none that has caught my attention thus far. When there's nothing for me to do on days like this, I make a little trip to Inala to get some foods and then bum with mumsies at her shop until it closes, which is exactly what I did. I miss working there on the weekends, can't remember how many years it's been since I last did that as a source of income but it's good to relive it once in a while. It must've been quite a few years because I look at all the regulars and how they've aged, I swear the people in Skylark age so much more faster than everyone else. No one recognized me, I didn't physically change that much, did I? either way, it was kind of heartbreaking to have all these people I used to make small talk with stop conversing with me altogether but that's just the way it goes, doesn't it? no one would keep in touch to those who purposely don't make the effort to, I just hope it's not too late.

Bummed at Elvis' house in Forest Lake, the first time in a long time. I have this strange feeling that his parents don't like me that much. I'm just too different from them which makes them think I'm a bad influence to their children and they'd be right :L Never was brought up with manners or any sense of privacy but that doesn't mean I don't know what they are, it just means that it doesn't cross my mind as often as it does to others. The only reason I took the chance to bum at their house was because his parents were at Vietnam for a month, which only goes to show how bad of a person I am but I stayed til 3am, playing pool with Elvis while talking about what's been happening as Archer and Jackie Chan Adventures play in the distant background. It was nice, shame I had work the next day. I probably would've stayed the night and then some if given the chance but even I have the decency to leave when I hear a yawn or two.

Lionhearted (Arty Remix) - Porter Robinson & Urban Cone

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