Sunday 22 June 2014

Stay awake.

"You wanna go skating?"
- Hong Nguyen. Long story short; we didn't go skating.

I had so many plans today, none of them actually happened though. When I get my days off, I come up with this list in my head, a list of shit I would like to get done. You know, shit like thoroughly cleaning my house, shopping for necessities, trying some new food joint, hunting and downloading music, sorting my library or catching up with some old friend whom I have not seen in a significant amount of time. Well, I did get one of those things done, as unintentional as it was.

I don't know how but I spent the entire day watching an anime I've already seen about this poor bastard that somehow ended up under the same roof as 3 goddesses that get up to everyday things like school and cooking and shit. I don't think I could've possibly wasted my time more effectively than I did today. Even though I don't like staying still for too long, if I know that it's my day off, my body just does everything it can to make sure that it's actually a day off. I don't even go to the gym on Sundays and Mondays unless someone else was keen to go with. There's a certain pointlessness to being active for a few hours and then coming home to a relaxing environment. If I had a choice, I would much rather be active for a majority of the day than switching back and forth from on to off several times in a 24 hour period. I just wish I could understand my habits better than I do now. I hate saying something and then doing another more than most.

Took the chance to bum with Lynn and Hong, which is something I haven't done since that time we played Mario Kart in my room with Hong's brother, which was ages ago. Holy shit, that was before I got my pennyboard and the time I bummed with those two before that was when we went to the markets and then the movies to watch Anchorman 2. Man, I remember the strangest things but I'm sure there's a good reason for that. It was a good night. There was a first for many things. First time I I skated (kinda :L) near the lake at a late hour, first time I saw Ronnie and Mande alone together and the first time I went to the Mt Gravatt lookout and observed the blinking city lights and the first time I realized how easy things can be when you come to terms with yourself. It really was a good night, I learnt a lot and sorted out a lot more than I knew what do with and I'm glad I did.

I find myself thanking Hong a lot. She's like the parent that stuck around to show me the ropes instead of bailing the moment a chance appeared. I don't know if my liking her had anything to do with it but I'm starting to think it doesn't so I'll say it again: Thank you, Hong. You da niggest.

Stay Awake - Madeon & Ellie Goulding

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