Saturday 21 June 2014

Going home.

"White people change gears so fast."
- Kevin Le. I think it's my turn to be a bit bigoted. This work-place racism needs a bit more diversity, as ironic as that sounds.

Poor Stevie, unfortunate bastard has had the rotten luck of working with me twice in a row :L The way I see things; working with me is kinda like a typhoon or some sort natural disaster. It's fun and exciting in the beginning but then ends with disaster, it just kinda depends on your outlook on life whether or not you will have a good day or not. But I think some of the guys are starting to adapt to me and vice versa. Apparently, there's yet to be a complaint in how I work but being told that just leaves me even more suspicious than I originally was. "We'll talk shit about you in front you you but you'll never hear a compliment leave my mouth when you're nearby" is somewhat of a rule everyone abides by. They're probably think it's not socially acceptable for men to compliment each other in such a labour-heavy line of work, which is retarded if you ask me but sadly, no one as asked me so these thoughts have yet to leave my head through my mouth.

Everything seemed fine. Our day wasn't the greatest but we had no major trouble, it was the same as every other day pretty much. But for some odd reason, when we got back from our run, Stevie had a sudden change of personality, at least that's what it seemed like. He was in a hurry to leave and left skid marks all up the car park and left without so much as a word to anyone. It boggled the minds of everyone but hey, what can you do ? I usually rationalize anything I don't understand by being a bigot and blaming it on their race, gender or age, not sincerely of course, all in good fun but it does bug me when I don't understand someone's behaviour so generalizing creates some sort of illusion that barely satisfies my curiosity. It's pretty wrong now that I think about it but hey, whatever it takes to get through the fucking day, amirite?

Going Home - Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt

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