Wednesday 4 June 2014


"They say you can take the man out of Inala, but you can't take the Inala out of the man."
- Jesus. His real name is Jeff but after all the shit he told me today, I'm pretty sure he's Jesus.

Got to work with a newbie! or at least that's what I thought. I could not have been any further from the truth now that I think about it. A guy named Jeff popped out of no where, and as some sort of prank, I was put together with him, it would've been fine if they didn't tell me he was "new" and that I should "teach him a few things" but they did and so I thought I was acting senior but I swear, from what I saw today, he's practically Jesus so from now on, I'm calling him Jesus. This dude has been doing this sort of shit for years, he was the dude who's responsible for most of our contracts and was the highest paid worker for Harvey Norman at one point, and he's only like 32, fuck me dead. Jesus is like 20 feet tall and plays basketball for Queensland, he mentioned something about playing competitively in Russia and he showed me a picture of him head-butting the basketball rim with little effort. He drives around a orange Lamborghini and is currently waiting settlement on a 1.7 million dollar house on top of some hill at Mt Ommany, at this point, you're probably thinking this dude is a bit of a talker and you're not wrong but shit, having something to talk about isn't so bad when you have to be together for a majority of the day, I'm the only person who doesn't seem to care about that though :L as long as he can do the work, he's all good in my book, and man, can he do the work. Jesus taught me more shit in one day than I could ever teach him, it's a shame he talks so fucking fast, I could've gotten a bit more from what he was saying instead of nodding to a statement I didn't quite catch in hopes he would just forget :L

Jesus also taught me why I don't like Snoop Dogg's music. He mentioned something about it being an acquired taste and how he was the one that revolutionized hip-hop back in the days of old. Snoop single-handedly changed the scene from utter and complete violence to what it is now; which is a more toned down version of what it was just by inventing the "shizzle, rizzle, drizzle" shindig. And since I got more into rap after he shaped it, I never got a taste of what it was like before and what it's like now so I pass it along as some dude who has a distasteful flow, and I think many others do the same without thinking twice about it, which is a real shame when you think about what he's done and his reputation in the music industry.

It's so weird that out of all the things I learnt today; Snoop Dogg was the thing that stuck the most :L I'm glad we have someone so reliable in the group. He gave off an aura of insurance and security when I worked with him, kinda like the complete opposite of that time I worked with Johnny, that day still sends shivers down my spine.

My body is having a tough time readjusting to the usual routine again for the 20th time. I've given up on my body more times than I care to count, the lack of progress has me feeling down but that's to be expected. If it were that easy, everyone would be buff and ripped but it's and when I do become what I've always wanted to be, I'll finally have something I can be proud of.

Orbit - WRLD & Richard Caddock

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