Monday 2 June 2014

Water winds.

"Glad to see you back!"
- Leon, Vee, Micky and Zane

My feet hurt. I didn't realise how long it's been since I've done any intense cardio, most of the things I do is just high intensity, interval training but to go for awhile without stopping or slowing down really takes it out of your feet, well, takes it out of mine. I didn't do anything all day, I just woke up and didn't move until I had to because I knew that if I tried to move, it would feel like a million tacks dipped in lemon juice into my feet which would suck an ample amount of dicks and twice the amount of balls. I got up eventually though :L slept through a lot of the day and just felt the urge to hit the gym again and I did and boy am I glad I did. Tony showed me a new shoulder workout and when I did that on top of my regular workout, I fell to my knees and shed a few tears from the pain and burn and that's when you know you've done all you can. Pretty good way to end my weekend, if I do say so myself.

Got some compliments and made some new friends which is always nice. I never know how to deal with compliments. I'm pretty sure I don't react how I'm supposed to react when they come my way. I find myself putting myself down in response to most compliments, things like "I'm not there yet." or "just give me a few more months." without any real acknowledgement of my efforts and that's not the way to go, I think. I think I should at least respond with a compliment to them but I don't pay any attention to anyone but myself so I'm not aware of their progress or if they even made any at all so now I'm just the asshole who is all about himself without my knowing it. I guess that's just the image society conjures up to fitness enthusiasts who are just trying to better themselves without any distractions. 

Water Winds (Female Remix) - Cosmic Quest

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