Tuesday 3 June 2014

Find your harmony.

"C'mon little Kev."
- Steven Reynolds, everyone loves patronizing me, can't say I blame them, they're all so big :(

Got to spend the day with Steven/Stevie or whatever his real name is, actually, the next time I get the chance, Imma steal his wallet and find out. It used to be rare that I would be put in the same truck as any of the Gatton boys but now, it doesn't seem to stop :L I thought that once Pete and Big Brad had gotten a hold of me, their selections would take priority. I got more in common with the Gatton boys so there's a lot more talking than there would be if I were doing the Coastal runs with Pete or Brad. I don't mind being with anyone but it is always good to rotate when given the chance.

Color run wasn't that long ago so my feet were killing me but once you start working, it all gets pushed to the back of your head, so it didn't really bother me until I got back from doing my run which by then, I was bitching and moaning on a minute-basis. Everyone was sick of my shit and to be honest, so was I but that's just what you got to do when the air is so tense that you could probably cut the tension with a flaccid penis.

I stayed back in the warehouse til late. Our warehouse manager Tony has an unfair amount of work pushed on him everyday, he's got a heart condition but yet he takes all that workload in good stride, a legend of a man and a personality that would make demons smile. I do what I can but sometimes, it's not wanted even though I can tell it's needed. It never feels good to go home when there's plenty more things you can do but there's nothing you can do about it when the boss tells you to go home and rest. I hope Tony doesn't push himself too hard, I would hate myself for life if anything were to happen to him.

Got home, and went hard in the gym. It's so much harder not having a partner for your sessions, I never noticed how different it was until Dante decided to start boxing again so now my limited progress has been limited yet again but it's not all that bad, I have all the time in the world and taking it slow is how it's meant to be taken, at least, that's what I think.

Find Your Harmony (Album Mix) - Andrew Rayel

1 comment:

  1. Yay for keeping tabs on Andrew Rayel's album (Y) Dash is going to release something soon too. Lol'd at this intro


    dat voice :L
