Saturday 7 June 2014

Field trip.

- Kevin Le, when I had to deliver in a medical centre for special people, you know what, I'm not even going to sugar-coat it, It was a place filled with retards.

Even though I got to spend the day working with God/Troy, the only thing that really stuck to me today was the drop we had to deliver on out Ipswich run. The day started like any other, I was keen to work with Troy and he was keen to be rid of my presence since I'm too bright for him, I'm starting to think I'm too bright for anyone there :L The day was going wonderfully, until we pulled up to this building I had never seen in my life. "oh god, I've been here before" remarked God "this place is for -" "retards?" I interrupted jokingly, turns out, it was no joke. We stood in front of a special needs centre and when I walked in, man, it was exactly how I pictured one in my head. I walked in and I could smell the nurses ageing with a hint of despair. There was one kid sitting on a chair in a deranged stature, another kid laughing while rocking back and forth on a bench one side and a person looking at me dead in the soul on the other. I went further to see where the mattresses they ordered were going and I paused because there was another kid sitting on the floor dead centre of the hallway. I've played and watched enough horror games and movies to know that you shouldn't fuck with anyone sitting down in a place they shouldn't be so my instant thought was "fuck this, I'm going home" All while this was happening, God was waiting outside for my report since he knew exactly what was happening. I've always wanted to know what one of those institutions were like and now I know, I was told that this job comes with experiences like that. These guys have delivered to brothels, prisons, mental institutions, hostels and the like and now that I've had my small taste of what it's like to be a delivery boy, I'm getting a little excited.

I had my first encounter with a violent customer today as well, all sorts of shit seems to hit the fan whenever I'm with God :L I called this customer to let him know we were coming an hour early and called him again when we got to his house. Apparently, he didn't get my first call was complained to the store that we only called him when we arrived to his house. This little back and forth eventually led him to swear to me over the phone and when he did, I was baffled and didn't know what to do. I told God that he swore to me and asked him what do I do and that hero took the phone off me and just laid the smack down on his foreign ass. I probably would've gotten fired if he didn't take that phone off me, there's no telling what kind of shit talk I'd conjure up when put on the spot like that.

I learnt a lot today. God taught me how to be firm, to not bend to their will and confidently propose options instead of making it easier to them. There're a lot of little neat tricks to learn and there're not meant to be taught this fast. Troy let me in on a little secret, he told me he's also leaving though it's unsure when so he wants to leave the company in more capable hands, this company is going to fail when he leaves and he knows it so passing on what he knows is something he feels he has to do, at least, that's what I think, what's really going through his head is something only God knows. hahahah, get it ? because he's God. Oh man, I made a funny.

So yeah, today, I went to the place people think I belong, got sworn at by a complete stranger and became a messiah of God's teachings. A very, very eventful day if I do say so myself. The problem now is to find out what there is to do tomorrow.... Another job doesn't sound too bad at the moment.

 Field Trip (0 to 100 Remix) - Dumfoundead/PARKER

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