Tuesday 17 June 2014


"Didn't you hear ? Troy's girlfriend was in a car accident and so Troy's taking the week off."
- Hassan. my heart stopped for a bit, man.

Too much is happening too fast. I started working for Steve a few months ago but in that time pommy Craig left, Shannon left, Bob/Josh suffered a knock out that left his shoulder in a bad state which made him leave as well, Big Brad suffered a heart attack, Little Brad left, Josh Cross left and now this shit. I really hope they're holding up well. It must've taken everything to not lose it, I can't imagine how he felt when he heard that his missus got hospitalized.

Thing's are getting a little tough; people are taking life's dick up their asses left, right and centre, it's the busy period for the company and all these incidents is making it hard to get workers to come in and get shit done but as far as I saw, it's nothing we can't handle. They emphasised the word "family" a lot today. It was a little much to take in all at once, it has to be at least a little overwhelming to suddenly accept all these people you barely know as your family so soon but I suppose they have their reasons. Thinking that way would make work more enjoyable than it already is and wouldn't leave the idea of reaching out to others far away.

As heartless as this is to say; it's those kind of accidents that make me glad I don't have a significant other, the idea of being helpless while the one you love is on his/her possible deathbed is way too much for anyone to handle, the stress would literally slowly kill a person in that situation. The more I see things like that, the more I'm grateful for leading a somewhat sheltered life. Got to be careful with who you decide to kick it with.

Lightweight - Jason Burns & Sarah Winters

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