Wednesday 25 June 2014


"Hey look, Beau! you own a desert!"
- Kevin Le, when driving on Beaudesert Road.

Oh man, my shitty jokes won't see the end of it. Was a pretty good day, kicked it with Beau for the first time in a while, I say "a while" but really, it's been like a week, feels so much more longer though. Maybe that's just my brain telling me that it's fun to be with the Gatton boys, and it is, as gay as that sounds, sounds pretty gay.

I heard 3005 on the radio today, it was a total surprise. You can imagine the face of the people in the warehouse when they see a 4ft asian dude with hot pants (don't ask) rap along to a random hip hop song on the radio but I've been working there for a few months now so it doesn't come across as a surprise anymore, at this point, I can only see a great sense of disappointment in their eyes. They talked about Childish's "Because the Internet" album for a bit and then it fucked off back into the world of mainstream, which sucks balls when you listen to the radio as often as I do, I swear I can sing every song in reverse in 23 different languages at this point.

Went home, showered and headed to the gym. My sessions have been a lot shorter but more effective. I guess I spend more time bumming around and resting in there than I thought I did because I can pretty much end any session in an hour and a half just by putting on some earphones and ignoring anyone. It can be bad though, a lot of people see the gym as a place of social gatherings and I suppose it can be but there's got to be a limit to the length of time you can talk to a person. I walk in and I see people work out their mouths more than any other part of their body and it really rustles my jimmies.

My outlook on life has seemed to dim a little. I can already see my blog consisting of rants than what goes through the day but no one wants to read back on their blog to be reminded of the things that pissed you off in your adolescence, it should be the complete opposite but shit, if that's all I think is worth writing than I really need to get out there and do more stuffs.

 Sky - Sterner & Martell

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