Sunday 8 June 2014

Take care.

"I'll join you sometime."
- Dante Le, when I told him I might head to the markets.

I finally got into the habit of sleeping and waking up early, well, earlier. It was really bad back in high school. It was like an average of 4-5 hours of sleep a day, sometimes, it was even less than that. I don't even know why it remained at that pattern for so long. I guess just the idea of being sleep deprived seemed so... romantic. That probably didn't even make sense but that's how it felt to me, that or I just didn't want to spend too much time on something I didn't need much of :L Oh well, it's way too late to think about that kind of stuff now but it's nice to try and remember what you were thinking in the days of yore, I still have no idea how I graduated with an OP of 12.

Dante has work on the days that I don't and I always have work when on the days that he does so we've been talking even less than we originally were, which isn't as bad as it sounds. I think there should be a wide social gap when it comes to brothers. There's probably nothing worse than brothers being in the same circle, at least, in my case there isn't. When I caught him before he left for work and told him about the markets, he said he'll come with on one of the coming weeks, so I gave up on going simply because it'll make the next time more enjoyable. Sounds pretty dumb but you have to cherish the what little time you spend with family. I don't know why but for some strange reason, family time seems to be laughed upon when you hit your 20s. People just seem to assume everyone is independent and that in turn, makes them independent when they couldn't be further from the truth. I like the way things are and wouldn't change it for the world but at the same time, I crave change. Strange, isn't it ?

Take Care (COVER) - Drake & Rihanna

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