Wednesday 2 July 2014

Couch potato.

"You never actually get to see Kevin. All you see if shit moving around the warehouse, heavy shit, too."
- Tony, he's on a little vacation at the moment (well deserved, mind you.) but he said this to one of out newer workers; Aaron.

Aaron is a new dude, well, new to us. He's been doing this sort of work for years. I get a little sceptical when a new guys comes in, all I can think about was that day I spent with Johnny and how badly I never wanted to happen ever again. I was present during Aaron's job interview with our boss. He seems to have a little more common sense than most and had a firm grasp of what's expected. I'm not sure why but I always seem to have the honour of being their off-sider on their first day on the job.

Was pleasantly surprised with the amount of control he had in every situation, and we went by the day smoother than a baby's bottom. I even invented a game to play while I was with him. I call it "The guessing game" very simply named, no ? basically, all you have to do is make an assumption about the person you're playing with, he/she answers with a "yes" or "no", if it's a "yes" then you get to make another assumption, if it's a "no" then it's the other person's turn to make an assumption about you. I learnt that he would walk around naked if there were no repercussions and that he's got two kids, one boy and one girl. There was probably a whole lot of other shit I learnt but I've forgotten them already. It's a good game to play when you want to learnt more about your self.

Bummed with Bob and took him to Tony's house which is at Forest Lake. It's not everyday that I go to the lake. It was 6pm but there were surprising amount of people there. I remembered the night when I strolled a small portion of the lake with Hong, Tai, Andy and Teddy and remembered how majestic it looked at the time. I parked Betty and went for a lap and it was the best thing I've decided to do on a whim all week. Think I'll do it again sometime in the near future.

Couch Potato - Jakubi

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