Friday 4 July 2014


"Want a beer?"
- pub owner

"it's 10 in the morning."
- Kevin Le

"I know."
- pub owner.

Woke up earlier than usual to pick up Bob who was standing guard in Tony's house which is located in Forest Lake. Not far so it was convenient for everyone that I would be responsible for Bob's means of transportation. Things are so much easier to deal with when you're dealing it with one of the rare humans of the world, you know, a person who is not a complete asshole, well, I think it is.

We deliver alcohol now, whoda thunk it ? It's a shame that the places we have to deliver to are a minimum of 2 hours away from where we're stationed. I like lazy days as much as I hate them. I'd much rather be constantly on the move than have to sit in a truck for 2-3 hours to do one load and then sit in the same truck for another 2-3 hours for the trip back.

I get extremely tired when I'm inactive for too long. I never figured that out til now, it explains why I couldn't pay attention to any of my teachers in my schooling days and sheds some light on my opinions on others. Nothing dramatic, just on how boring they are.

I must've slept for a good 4 hours and I got paid for all of them. I feel bad for it. No one should be paying someone for not working. I've tried downing a litre of red bull and placing loose screws in my pocket so that when I move the wrong way, I get stabbed but it doesn't work. I managed to pass out next to four cans of red bull and a pocket full of screws whilst playing EDM at bull blast. I should probably tell Steve not to put me on coastal runs any more. I should probably invest in a butt plug, I'm pretty sure that would keep me awake, not too keen on the idea of getting my butt plugged though. This is the kind of shit I have to deal with, what kind of train of thought is that ?

Summer (COVER) - Filous & Kitty Gorgi

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