Monday 28 July 2014


"Why is there a bible in your room?"
- Dante Le. A fair question.

It wasn't always a bible, it was a biology textbook at one stage, of course, that was a very, very long time ago.

I used to work in retail at Skylark Street, "under-the-table work" if you will; and in that time, I met with a lot of people, people whom I saw on a weekly basis, the same people who would learn my name and I; their's. It didn't last long, a year and a half but in that time, I crossed paths with a nun, she was a very old nun who religiously spouted very nun-like things every time I saw her and each meeting would accompany less and less conversation, mainly because what I did was a job and not an excuse to socialise and I didn't want to deal with her shit any longer than I had to but she interpreted my behaviour as a result of a sort of crisis I was dealing with in my life. The next time I was blessed with her presence, she handed me a bible and gave me a hug, telling me that I was in her prayers for the rest of her life. I can't imagine how she would feel if I told her she's wasting her time so I didn't, I kept the thing and thanked her as she left. I still keep it to this day.

I can't bring myself to throw away a bible and it's hard to believe that I'm the only one, I can't bring myself to throw away anything that was given to me but there's really no place for a bible in my house hold so I kinda just place it underneath my subwoofer to dampen the rattling it makes on my desk. You know, I'm pretty sure I've already told this story on this blog before but not in as much detail. There's gonna be a lot of that I imagine, a lot of similar posts about the same shit on different days and I won't make an effort to change that because fuck going through everything I've already written to see if it's going to be the same as what I'm writing.

Hahaha, I can appreciate that though, appreciate the extra mile people go through because of religion, reminds me of Una :L but I'm sure I'll go through that another time, shit, I've probably already made a post about it before.

Satallite - Tritonal & Jonathan Mendelsohn

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