Wednesday 30 July 2014

One in a million.

"You need to grow up."
- Mumsies Le

Massive smack in the fact tonight. Parents are amazing, man. When they say shit, oh man, do they say some shit. It's mostly shit you had no idea about even though it's around like, all the time. Mumsie Le dropping knowledge like it was her last rep.

My day didn't consist of much. It was the usual "Hey, little asian" and "shut the fuck up, white boy(s)" went on a run with one of the guys, jumped over our randomly selected hurdle which came in the form in that of a cunty customer, ate some soft served ice cream and went home. It's almost a joke to call it "work" when you list the pros and cons :L

What stuck wasn't what happened throughout the day but what happened at night, you know, that time of day when I'm knackered from work, gym, talking and pretending to give a crap about people's problems because I'm paid to (which in hindsight; is really just work) I had a little chat to Mumsies after dinner and after my little uproar to her boss about his shitty parking and my rant about how you should always make way for people/cars to come and go even when you don't think there'll be company, she told me that even though she understands my point of view, my point of view is wrong. It wasn't what she said, it was how she said it. It's almost a weekly tradition to discover your faults as a human being but being told with such conviction and confidence was a whole other level of surrealism. She basically told me that my thoughtlessness isn't right and that I should change that part of me if I want the best of everything I can get my hands on. I've never been one for sudden change of character, if anyone else had told me this, I would've told them to go fuck themselves but this is your mother, man.

It ended up being a vent of frustration, not even pent up frustration, just anything that would set me off, shit like the lack of morals in people, girls, boys, dumbasses, liars; things that would set anyone off, really but I've yet to come to terms with that sort of stuff, and from what I learnt today, most people already have, I think that's why I need to grow up.

One In A Million (Paris Blohm Remix) - Andrew Rayel & Jonathan Mendelsohn

One In A Million - Andrew Rayel & Jonathan Mendelsohn

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