Wednesday 16 July 2014


"You ready?"
- Kevin Le

"I'm never ready."
- Stevie Reynolds. I ask out of habit and it's the same response every time.

Today was dope, man. Work was work but it was what I got to listen to at work that made my day. I was told the CD players don't work in some of the trucks but I took a few CDs from Betty on a whim and shazzam; we were listening to hip hop and doof doof for the next 7 hours and it was mad. Asshole-customers didn't even phase me because I knew they were only mad because they didn't get to listen to Elephante and J.Cole in the same truck ride like I did and it's not like me to tease someone of their misfortunes so I sat there and took it all with a grin on my face. Poor bastards.

I feel so much more motivated to gym ever since my little workshop with Kingsley. Been feeling some improvements following his advice. My bar bench has increased from 70 to 100 in a few days just because I tweaked my form a little bit and now my chest is bigger than ever and it's only going to go up from here. It's amazing what a few hours with someone who knows what they're doing can do to you, I think that just because it's someone you don't see much or know very well, makes it that much more believable and it's just the push you need to keep going.

Doing what I do for a living has it's perks. Got hit up by a mate to see if I could do anything for her family in regards to moving some of their shit around and just saying "holy shit, I can actually do something about that." makes me feel all warm and giddy inside. Ah, the perks of having access to trucks and shit is pretty damn cool. I've said it before in one of my previous posts, but it's nice to lend a hand when I can.

Suncatcher - Mario Ayuda & Tiff Lacey

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