Sunday 27 July 2014

Purple skies.

"If I didn't have so much shit to do, I'd totally sleep right here and now."
- Kiet Nguyen, on my bed.

Got into the habit of waking up early despite it being a day off. I don't know, there's something about drinking coffee early morning when you don't have shit all to do that tickles me inside. It might have to do with the idea that waking up early would mean having more time to do nothing and that shit is the bomb.

Looked outside my window and saw Kiet's majestic face staring back at me, he mentioned something about something being cancelled and thus, his appearance but I didn't really care for that sort of shit, he came in and laid on my bed and kinda did what I picture him doing at home when no one is around (which surprisingly doesn't involve him touching himself, I've known this nigga for over a decade and I still have no evidence to prove that this dude is even human) We talked about whatever came up (which wasn't much) and kinda bummed around each other, it was pretty nice, reminds me of how I spend my days with Hoa if we ever happened to be at the same place, at the same time.

He left and so, I was left with the task of finding someone to bum with. I hit up Squishy and picked her up for coffee, it's amazing how people can just go along with some random impulses without so much as a second thought. Did a little shopping afterwards and then we inevitably made our way to Denne's house. I was there not too long ago but things are different when there are actual people in the house. I got to meet their new cat and get thrown down memory lane that was Denne's room. There's a lot I can say about his room but I think I'll leave that for another day but I will end this paragraph by saying Denne's room is shit and when you go there, prepared to be disappointed. Hahaha, I really don't give any fucks when it comes to my portraying my thoughts.

My weekly social activity ended with coital insinuation (more like a suggestion, really) which queued my leave. It's rare when there's a clear indication of when you should take your leave and to be honest, I much prefer that than the whole "maybe he'll get it if I stall a little" or "I don't want to be rude but I really want this motherfucker to get the fuck out" look that could mean so many other things.

Purple Skies - No Limits

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