Saturday 19 July 2014

Release you.

"You're right, Kevin. We're no family."
- Tony.

The working environment is full of lies that they know you'll figure out but hope you don't, well, mine is. I think the only reason people get miserable there is because of the things they're told that don't happen and the only reason they smile there is because of the unique combination of personalities. Some are incredibly easy to communicate with while others prefer silence, some are like an open book while some are easily misunderstood but no matter who you are or what you're like, no one can appreciate a liar, it's just when that liar is your main source of income is when you got to rise above your personal preferences but there are things you'd avoid when given the chance, even when you're on someone else's time.

Every time I work with someone, they don't want to answer the work phone that's given to each team and this struck me as a strange kind of "odd" How can you possible call any conglomerate of individuals a "family" when they don't even want to talk to the person who's responsible of the members of the first place ? but they still insist that that's what we are.

It's only at the end of the day that they start to accept how much of a family they're not but that's only because they're too tired to think differently. I'm starting to think that it's all an illusion they've built for themselves so that it gives a motive to work as hard as we do but in all honesty, it might just be easier to be upfront about everything, seems like a total waste of effort forcing things your way under the guise of "family" but I suppose this will sort itself out sometime in the near future. I can already see things falling apart and when it does, it's gonna be hilarious.

Release You - Tom Misch & Carmody

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