Friday 18 July 2014

How you love me.

"What the fucking fuck happened to you?"
- Kevin Le. It was to a girl whom I had not seen in a long time.

It's rare to come home so early that by the time you get home, the sun is still up and birds and shit are still chirping. I took this time to go visit Mumsies at Skylark, nothing exciting happens there on the regular, every-so-often, you'd get your minimal amount of petty crime or a large crime, just in a small dose, like extreme racism or theft but at this point, I think chasing down bogans has become some sort of second nature to anyone who has spent even an hour in Skylark Street but holy shit, I digress.

I got to look after the counter while everyone else had stock matters to attend to. I got to serve this dude dressed in black and covered in piercings, it wasn't him who caught my eye, it was the girl who was with him that stole my attention. I'm pretty sure I mentioned her in my blog before. She was this sweet, adorable half-cast girl who would often hug me in the later years of high school, she went everywhere with her African friend who was as cute and adorable but when I saw her today, she was every way alike as her male companion and before I even scanned any of their items, the first thing to leave my mouth was "What the fucking fuck happened to you?" I never got an answer, she stood there, waiting for me to serve the person she was with and then scurried off the moment I was done.

I stood there baffled for countless moments. I asked Mumsies if she knew anything and apparently, that girl is easily influenced. I just can't believe how drastically she changed in the short amount of time I had not seen her. Everything from her appearance to her personality did a complete 180 degree turn and it confused me. I don't think I'm disappointed or anything, it's just amazing how fast this happened. I should get used to this kind of thing though, shouldn't I ? It's sad to say but I'm starting to wish I never saw her the way I did today, that high school image of her isn't going to leave my mind any time soon. It wasn't one of those light, pat hugs either, it was one of those lengthy, whole-hearted hugs you'd get from a relative you had not seen in years hug, sometimes, those hugs would make my day.

How You Love Me (Arston Remix) - 3LAU & Bright Lights

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