Saturday 12 July 2014

Something right.

"I can see why you love him so much."
- Chelsea; Stevie's fiancée

Spent the day third-wheeling Stevie and Chelsea, or, if you look at it my way, I spent the day being third-wheeled by Chelsea, whatever works. I didn't know you could just bring someone along to a run if you felt like it, it's either that or someone has robbed Stevie of his last fuck because I've yet to see him give one out.

Got to officially meet and greet Chelsea after hearing so much about her. I've heard a lot about her but nothing has really stuck so seeing this mystical person face-to-face has given me the opportunity to understand these people more. Of course, if I had the choice, I probably would've never given them the chance but things are different when you're in the truck. It doesn't hurt to know more about your co-workers but most things are better left the way they are. I got to know Stevie's weaknesses, his priorities and his life at home. I basically got exposed to a side of Stevie I didn't even know existed.

I think my social skills have gone to the shitter :L the lack of social activity I get is started to affect my speech. My vocabulary is a lot more limited than what I remember and now no one knows if I'm pretending to be retarded or if I actually am retarded and to be honest, I don't blame them. I'm even starting to stutter :S wonder if there's something I can do about that.

 Something Right (Elephante Remix) - Lincoln Jesser

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