Friday 11 July 2014

The light.

"I might have a thing for Aubrey Plaza."
- Kevin Le. Honestly, I don't know why everyone doesn't have a thing for her.

Pete's cool, even if the thing he said yesterday kinda left a really strong impression. I think about it a lot actually. It's weird enough to be getting along with someone who's more than twice my age but when shit gets real; it gets really real. It was the same as any other day I have with him. It amazes me how he can switch from one mode to the next so fluidly, it's almost a little scary. I can't even imagine the kinda of shit he would've experienced and yet he's here, lifting fridges n' shit with me to random ass places around Queensland, sometimes, further.

It's the same thing, man. Sometimes, it's the same conversations. I go home, shower, head to the gym and shower again, go to Mumsies' and have dinner at her house. As much as I dislike routine, there's something about family that makes you want to keep things the way they are. Maybe keeping them the way they are isn't the right way to put it. It makes you strive to make things better would probably be more correct. It's really the only thing you can fall on: family. It won't last long, but this thing is going to be savoured until the flavour is gone and when it goes; just like the food in your mouth, it's going to be the saddest thing when it's no longer there. I've got to prepare myself, when things are this good for this long, it usually means something terrible is about to happen. At my age, it could be anything.

 The Light - Disco Fries & Niko The Kid

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