Monday 14 July 2014

Only love can hurt like this.

"Leave your ego at the door."
- Kingsley Shabay

Woke up and headed to ifeelgood gym in Oxley, you know, the one across the road from the train station? I made small talk with the personal trainers there whilst waiting for Kingsley to rock up, they said all sorts of shit to make me join but being as blunt as I am, I pretty much told them to fuck off and that I'm waiting for a mate. I don't think they like me :L

We focused on shoulders and traps today. I didn't gym for the last 3 days so that my body would be at it's top condition to endure what training Kingsley had to offer. He's a lot like me when it comes to the method of physical improvement, I haven't found anyone else who focuses on form as much as I do since Dante. I learnt a lot, like, heaps. He was throwing out all these technical terms and giving me tips on a minutely basis. I learnt how to be more stricter on my form and a few new exercises I can implement in my own personal training routines but the most important thing I learnt from Kingsley (or from anyone else who taught me fitness) was to leave my ego at the door when I walk in. It's a very simple piece of advice but it goes a long way. I think what he meant was that I should stay in my lane and not do anything just because I can, but do what you're comfortable with instead of what you struggle with. I kinda knew all of that already but to have it refreshed in you head by someone who physically looks so convincing is something I think everyone needs. I drove him home after a 2 hour session and said our farewells. Might not see the dude again for a few years, I'll be he can be proud of what I am when we do see each other again. 

I'm so glad I asked him if I could join him in one of his sessions, even if it was on a whim. There's a certain threshold of socialism that I need to reach every week. It wasn't important, but now I think it's hard to go on without it. It feels like a massive waste when you look at the clock late-evening on your day off and realized you could've done something or done nothing with someone, knowing that that person you've chosen to do something/nothing with is still okay and that that's not going to change anytime soon.

Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith

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