Sunday 20 July 2014

Moody echos.

"Tomorrow or Friday ?"
- Tiffany Dinh

"Ooooohhhh nigga, tomorrow is mah shit right dere."
- Kevin Le.

I love Sundays, I love waking up in the morning and hitting the gym when no one else is there. I love having a coffee afterwards and then sitting just outside of the coffeeshop, watching the people that go by as you listen to some new songs you downloaded the night before. And I also love how it opens me up to a bunch of shit I could do that I wouldn't do any other time because of time restraints and I also love how by the time I'm done with all that, I could go home and still make it back in time for lunch. As much as I love sleep, there was also that slight feeling of regret whenever I woke up at around mid-afternoon, feels like I wasted a completely perfect day, days that don't come by as often as they used to and so I'm trying to make it a habit to wake up before 8 even on my days off. Just feels like I could get at least something done without having the need to shoot myself in the genitals for being a complete waste of space.

I hit up Tiffany in hopes she would be my bum of the week, unfortunately she was busy but said she could drop by tomorrow afternoon which put a smile of my face, made me anxious even. The last time I saw her was at Hannah's birthday celebration October last year and things have changed since then, I wanted to tell her about all the shit I've been up to. She was like that childhood friend that you'd tell every minute thing to because that's all you've known your entire life but then I thought that it might not even be all that great, it might just be all those things you felt back at the time where your relationship hit a plateau and you're just fooling yourself in thinking that things could be back to the way they were. I thought about this and then I got a headache and that's pretty much where my train of thought had ended. A lot has changed though, I feel like that wouldn't be the case if we had still kept in touch but the fact that we didn't was what really made me believe that things have changed and will keep on changing. Can't say I love it but I also can't say that I'm a big fan of it either.

Moody Echos - Rhodz

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