Tuesday 1 July 2014


"We've got a good little thing happening here."
- Jeff, or as I've been calling him "Jesus"

Spent the day with Jesus, rare thing that. Don't think I've been paired up with him since his first day, the day he told me pretty much everything about himself within a 3 hour period, which is impressive, I'll give him that. I gave him the nickname "Jesus" on a whim but dude, if Jesus was amazing as Superman in a bad Inala day, then he sure lives up to it. I seem to subconsciously match my pace of that of my partner and since Jesus has a reputation of doing things that seem impossible for one person to do, we finished early, like super early. They had no idea what to do with us, no one expected to see us back at the warehouse for another 3 hours and yet there we were, waiting for the captain's orders. 

I got off the truck and the first person I saw was Bob, a person who I've mentioned once or twice before in this blog. He got injured earlier in the year and ended up with fractured shoulder, poor bastard has been out of commission ever since but looks like he's taken Tony's place for the time being. Gave the dude a hug and it was shattering to see him not being able to life his right arm above his shoulder. He used to be able to lift and hurl fridges with little effort but now it takes it all out of him to perform some of the most simplest tasks.

Took Bob out for some after-work lunch on me and we just talked and caught up. He let me know how bad it was to virtually lose a limb and I let him in on what he's been missing out on. It was good to see him again, I was convinced that he was never going to step foot in a labour-related work place ever again, that would've been such a waste, too. he doesn't seem to be suited for much else. Drove him home and went about my evening, which wasn't much. You know the drill. Home, shower, gym, mumsies, shower again and sleep. It's quite nice.

Sacellum (Kungs Remix) - Fuchse

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