Wednesday 23 July 2014

Summer of love.

"You got a very, very long way to go."
- Mumsies Le, on dat deep shit.

Found out I got huge anger issues, like massive anger issues, at least, that's what Mumsie's tells me and I always make the mistake of not trusting her enough. It's been like that for years; she'd tell me to be careful or not to do something and I'd completely ignore her advice only to get my pee-hole raped by a million toothpicks. So, whenever she says something with a serious kind of malice, I really consider it and when she told me I'm a ignorant and angry little man, I believed her. I went off at her boss because of how inconsiderate he is and speaking my mind didn't lead me where I wanted to be.

I had a long discussion about who I was as a person and how similar we were and weren't. It's sad to be the most responsible and yet, the most emotionally underdeveloped person in the family, it really says something about the people I grew up around. Tears welled up in my eyes from the frustration and the sudden knowledge that I'm not as calm, aloof and collected as I thought I was and knowing I was frustrated further proved how wrong I was.

I like to think I can handle whatever is thrown at me but to go off at people just because they can't comprehend common courtesy doesn't float in Mumsie's book and by obligation, I should know that book inside and out and I don't think I've even gone as far as read the blurb on the back of the thing. I'm glad that's the only book I'm going to abide by, I can't imagine how much maturing it would take to please everyone.

Summer Of Love - Myon, Shane 54 & Kyler England

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