Thursday 3 July 2014

Stay with me.

"Careful, it's heavy, Kevy. HAHAHAHA wait, wait, I got a better one. Careful, it's weighty, matey. HAHAHA"
- Pete, this dude is fucking 50.

I learnt more about Pete today. He doesn't talk much about himself and I guess that's because I never asked but knowing something I don't have to know was just something I picked up along my high school life. I'm a very ignorant person but that doesn't mean I don't like to listen. I just choose what I listen to and I think it's the same with everyone else but when you know someone for a bit, the things they happen to say just stick to you and before you know it, you've gained this bond that's stronger than you bargained for. Of course, it's entirely up to you if you want to acknowledge this bond, it doesn't really bother either parties but just knowing that there's something there, or that there could be something there is good enough. I just hope that my lack of curiosity hasn't dampened this relationship I have with people. Things are just different at work.

I've been asked to take Bob home and pick him up to and from work, since it's a request from the boss and Bob is a pretty cool dude, it didn't take much for me to say "fuck it, why not?" Bob destroyed his shoulder and lost his license on the same day. I can't explain the pain I feel when I see someone as young as him, have such a life handicap overnight like that. Everyone says it's a waste and it is but saying it like that would hurt anyone. It's almost condescending.

It's makes me glad that there are people with less than what I have, be much happier than I am. I'm not saying my life is unfortunate, in fact, it's quite the opposite but knowing that people like Bob can still smile at the end of the day and be genuine about it, as if they've forgotten that handicap is a very valuable experience. I think I've matured a little more.

Stay With Me (Throttle Remix) - Sam Smith

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