Thursday 24 July 2014

What I need this time.

"... I'm going to start a car detailing business."
- Dante Le, like, out of fucking no where.

Listening to a lot of rap lately. Guess that's just what long drives do to you. I put my iPod on shuffle and listened to everything that came on for the next 5 hours. From old piano music to hip hop to electro, everything flooded back and before I knew it, I was rapping in the truck next to a 50 year old, bald dude who was dancing his heart out to the lyrics I was spitting. I love Pete :L that guy should be a national treasure.

I was asked to go eat out with this chick today. That chick has a boyfriend, don't get me wrong, I'm all for spending time with people but the rules change a bit when you or them have a partner, at least, that's how I see it. I think I might just be too cautious, I never really understood the ground rules when it came to people and relationships, I still don't but I suppose it's normal to feel the need to be reserved when you're with someone who might not appreciate the way you naturally behave in public. I've always hated thinking about how people felt, it's very uncharacteristic of me but I suppose it's just because I care to some extent, there's always way too many things to keep in mind when dealing with the opposite sex, especially when they've found themselves a keeper and that keeper isn't you. Ehhh, guess it's not going to happen, not tonight anyway.

What I Need This Time (Electric Joy Ride Remix) - Moiez & Alina Renae

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