Saturday 5 July 2014

Soundtrack to my life.

"... You reckon we could do skids on the forklift?"
- Bob.

Picked up Bob from Tony's house and woke his ass up, he was mumbling something about me in his dream. I didn't even ask because I was too afraid to find out what I was even doing there. We had a little time to spare so we went for coffee and went on our way.

It was a pretty bullshit day. There were many complaints and mix-ups that Stevie and I weren't responsible for but had to deal with anyway but that comes with the territory, doesn't it ? I'm trying to cop shit without a word more and more these days and I must say, it's one of the hardest things I've had to do my entire life. There's always that massive part of me that just speaks my mind and even though I've been doing it for as long as I remember, I'm constantly reminded how rude it is. I'm not one for conformism but just thinking about how much easier social interaction will be is a reward in itself so I think I might just implement that trait when I'm selectively social, which is all the time.

I learnt how to drive a forklift in 5 minutes today. I tied Bob (who was sitting on an office chair) to a trolley and sprinted around the warehouse, that was really fun and I slept on time of a bunch of boxed tallboys that are being delivered tomorrow. I was asked to stay behind and keep Bob company while everyone else loaded and so I did just that. Tony comes back next week so I won't see Bob as often as I have been the last week or so. As sad as that is, I'm sure he'll pop by one of these days, that place can play a large part of a person's life, especially when it's the only place you've been working at since high school graduation. I hope this isn't one of those "dead-end jobs" I've heard about.

Soundtrack To My Life - Kid Cudi

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