Wednesday 9 July 2014

Ill mind of Hopsin 5.

"Hey guys."
- Damon Strang, in the soft, fragile voice he always greets people with. I honestsly thought I would never hear those words utter from his mouth ever again.

Woke up, went to work, did things at places, a lot of places, a lot of things and a lot of bullshit but it wouldn't be a work day without it. Went home unusually early and got home to a Facebook message from Jack, asking how was I doing. I like to think my presence has faded quite a bit since high school so even having people ask how I was doing felt good, felt warm and that's kinda what you need in this insanely cold weather.

There wasn't much to do on my end other than gym but even that needs to have a rest. I took this time to take Jack out and shouted him Subway since it didn't seem like he had much to do either. I fueled Betty up and then took him (or her, whatever you fancy) to the carwash. I intended to take Jack home afterwards but was then asked if I wanted to see Hogan and there was no way anyone could say "no" to that. We chilled and and caught up while I was making a list of songs for Jack's party.

A surprising amount of people rocked up. No one expected more than 3 people but there must've been around 14 white boys that arrived and did really white stuff, most of whom I recognized. Dean, Tom, Danny and even Damon; the dude who went to Canada and came back not too long ago. Very little time was spent asking questions about where who were and what they've become instead, I spent most of the night teaching Danny Maguire how to play 13 and to be honest, I probably would've enjoyed that more than having a conversation I won't remember.

Ill Mind Of Hopsin 5 - Hopsin

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