Monday 21 July 2014

Happy little pill.

"You guys haven't changed at all."
- Tiffany Dinh, while watching Dante and I pick out car fresheners in the reject shop.

Dante got sent home today :L the dumbass raced one of his friends on a warehouse picker and crashed into the racks pretty badly so now there's a pretty high chance the dude is out of a job. As sad as that is, I don't think I've laughed harder at anything in my life, ever.

I had nothing to do really, I went to Mumsie's house to pick up Betty's registration sticker and as I went back home wondering where was the best place to put this purple sticker of road permission, Dante came home with the biggest grin on his face. He told me what happened and proceeded to make light of the fact that his main source of income is practically demolished without any chances of coming back. I could never understand that dude, I like to think he's like me and he might be, I don't understand myself that well either but I don't think many people would come back with a smile from their last trip home from work but hey, I could be wrong.

Tiffany actually showed up, it shouldn't come across as a surprise since she said she would but I formed a habit of doubting everything anyone says even if they promised. It's a terrible thing to do but it works well. The three of us went out to eat and do a little shopping; chilling, basically and I swear to god, that chick hasn't changed a bit. It honestly felt like I was just with her during one of our school lunch breaks yesterday. There wasn't much to say despite not conversing for so long and it was kinda nice, reminded me of the good old days where responsibility wasn't even in my vocabulary.

We had coffee, talked about god knows what and went to our respective homes. I love my days off, this catching up with randoms thing is dope.

Happy, Little Pill - Troye Sivan

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