Tuesday 29 July 2014

Love come undone.

"I'm leaving soon."
- Troy Reynolds.

Ain't that a bitch? One of the first guys who taught me how to do my job is leaving after a good 3 years of working here. I'm saddened that my timing could not be any worse. We never really bonded aside from the occasional joke but there's something there, it's like an appreciation you wouldn't want to go away any time soon but it'll leave in a month or so. A month isn't even that long when you consider how monotonous a lifestyle can be, especially when it's almost a mission to avoid stress and drama.

I think people have stopped trying, well, they've stopped trying when it comes to people who they're not all that fond of. I hope to not lose any of the bonds I currently have. It's way too easy to disregard the happiness when something unfortunate happens and when it does, there's this illusion that makes you think company isn't welcomed, even when you've never even thought about making sure. I find myself frequently amazed at how easy it is to get what you want, I find myself frequently amazed at how often people ask themselves  "what if"  when what they want, isn't what they get. It's almost like a really bad but compelling sitcom that doesn't quite make it up the charts but high enough that the minority would recognise. I think I'm gonna keep trying.

Love Come Undone - Julia Wu

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