Tuesday 8 July 2014


"I figured out why it's called an "MPS", it's turbo-charged and it sounds like "mmmmmpsss" when it drives by. I'm a fucking genius."
- Stevie Reynolds. Talking about the Mazda MPS

Stevie is the man when it comes to car knowledge. He can name every single car we pass when on the job and it frightens me a little. He doesn't talk about much but when it comes to cars, he's ever so gracious. I remember being told by Troy that if anyone gains Stevie's respect, that respect is well-earned. He spoke so highly of Stevie and I know as much as anyone else that it's hard to talk up family like that, especially if he's an older brother.

I never intend to get closer with my workmates. There's a threshold I like to keep an eye on but because I'm so used to being so open and have this strange, sick sense of humour, these things just happen. I got invited to play golf and to bum around with his family over the weekend but to keep this relationship at the level it is, I had to decline. I would drive all the way to Gatton to bum with the Reynold family but I just don't like putting myself too out there on the fear that I'll get closer than what I bargained for. There're very little things I dislike more than getting close to someone and then finding something I don't like about them when it's too late, not many things bother me but the things that do are usually things that they can't willingly change.

I hope I won't have to be in contact with any other social circle. I hate saying "no" to a nice gesture.

Electricity - Manganas Garden

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