Thursday 31 July 2014

Warm me up.

"You.... you keep tomato sauce in your bag at all times?"
- Aaron Shaw

Well, yeah. I mean, fuck yeah I do. I shit you not, I can't even count the amount of occasions where some tomato sauce would've been more than welcome on our theoretical plate. Noticing this, I keep a large bottle of tomato sauce in my bag so that when ever we pop in a service station for a pie or some shit, I'm fucking ready. It's one of those things where people will criticise you but come around a moment later and quietly admit to themselves that it's actually a fantastic idea, only that they won't it to your face, but it's painfully obvious they're happy. Plus it's always good to see the sheer confusion on a person's face when you pull out a bottle of tomato sauce from a bag of unknown contents.

Been thinking a lot lately. I'm pretty sure when you start thinking about shit, the reason for that train of thought gets more and more vivid the longer you're left to your own devices until eventually the topic of thought doesn't even relate to what the reason of thought was, kinda like how you watch piano tutorials on YouTube and then somehow end up watching hours of people popping massive pimples on places where pimples aren't commonly found; gagging in front of the screen, hating yourself for watching and hating yourself more so for not being capable of stopping. I end up doing that like, twice a week. It's pretty gross.

Warm Me Up - LeMarquis

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